The Hesperimenta Vocal Ensemble has been performing concerts and recitals since 1996, mostly in Italy, obtaining great success both from critics and audience. Its polyhedric repertoire allowed the group to take part to many projects, such as monographic concerts, festivals, workshops and even concert-lessons in different scenario, from theatres to hospitals, also cooperating with other important Italian cultural associations. In the event you are interested about Hesperimenta Vocal Ensemble's activities, please feel free to contact us: we will answer promptly.


Concerto della Trinità

Venosa, June 18th 2000

I Festival di Musica e Danza Rinascimentale

Teggiano's concert, August 6th-13th 2000

Lupachino dal Vasto's homage

Vasto's concert, December 6th 2000

I laboratori di "Sipario aperto"

Castel Fiorentino's concert, January 14th 2001

Mostra "Ludovico Sforza. Specchio d'Europa"

CD recording session, Milan March 2001

Concert for "Florilegio Musicale Aretino"

Monte San Savino, (AR), October 7th 2001

Stagione musicale "Itinerari vocali"

Arezzo's area, 1999-2002

29° Incontri Polifonici Internazionali

Fano, September 5th 2002

Castelli Calepio's concert

Castelli Calepio (BG), October 11th 2002

Cantus Firmus

Arezzo, December 28th 2002

"Mater dolorosa"

Arezzo, March 28th 2003

7th International Music Festival

Torun, August 9th 2003

Il sacro in musica

Arezzo, September 15th 2003

King's Singers masterclass

Firenze, Oct. 31sst - Nov. 1sst 2003

"O passi sparsi"

Arezzo, March 19th 2003